aunty Cindy just can’t lose!

i love this lady! she called David Seymour an arrogant prick and made a hundred thousand dollars for the prostate cancer foundation. talk about coming out smelling of roses! amazing. and yet, this leads me to a more sobering point. if we lose this woman as our leader, we are completely fucked as a country.

nobody can still pretend to be ignorant about what is happening to the earth. the effects of climate change are just too obvious. human greed and ignorance may well be causing the end of the human race right now; who we choose to lead us through these troubled times could so easily make the difference between success and failure. if anyone in this country believes that Luxon and the bigot brigade will prioritise our planet and make the necessary tough choices, they’re probably an un-vaccinated, Trump-loving flat-earther.

besides, how would it make us look to the rest of the world? Jacinda Ardern is internationally regarded as one of the most popular, admired and respected leaders of the modern age. if we vote her out in favour of another old, rich, bald white man we’ll be the laughing stock of planet earth! think of the lost tourist dollars. how embarassing it would be. come on people, just don’t do it! vote Labour or Green and save us all.

the leader of National just doesn’t get it

so Christopher Luxon is in the news apologising again. this time, he’s pissed everyone off by talking about young men “sitting on couches in garages in south Auckland” being easy prey to gangs. naturally he’s had the sense to apologise; he’s politician enough to know that it’s kind of mandatory in a case like this, and besides, talking about how sorry he is gives him more air time, doesn’t it? a lot more people have now had a chance to hear about his shallow, over-simplistic views on a whole group of people. the bigoted among us must just love him for it. what struck me however, is that the man has typically missed the entire point by apologising for the wrong damn thing. he should not be sorry that people might have been offended, he should be disgusted with himself for thinking in stereotypes in the first place. it’s the usual testament to the kind of person he really is: a narrow-minded, ignorant, bigot through and through.

Prince Harry is a spoilt little shit.

so i was watching the a.m. show this morning when i saw the following rolling headline:

Prince Harry claims that brother William yelled at him over the Palace split

YELLING he says. oh, poor dear royal highness Henry! anything but yelling! how could he have survived such a thing? what a zero! oops, i meant hero. stupid autocorrect..

how many of us can claim that there’s never been any yelling in our families? i’d say that it’s fairly normal actually. not always the healthiest or best thing to happen but it’s most certainly human, and comprehensible. what i cannot understand is why somebody born to a position of such incredible wealth and privilege doesn’t take what they’ve got and make the best of it like the rest of us do. it’s all about positivity but all Henry and his wife do is complain.

and really, what is this nonsense about “quitting” the royal family? allow me to stress the word family. Henry is a prince because his father is the king. He has royal blood; he’s the great-great-great-great-grandson of queen Victoria. blood makes him royal, not choice.

some families are familial, but others are just groups of genetic relations

how to get yourself motivated

for an ADHD person, thinking can be your worst enemy. i give the following advice, for free:

don’t sit around and wait for motivation, it isn’t coming. just get up and start.

don’t think about what you’re going to do, or what order things will be done in, or write lists so you don’t forget (you know you’ve never remembered to check your list, besides, how could you? you’ve lost your notebook and let’s not get started on the disappearing pens).  just do something.

you actually can finish the job. your mind strays everywhere but your body doesn’t have to. if you can’t fix your focus, fix yourself physically; for instance, kneel on a stool to do the dishes. sit on the floor to fold washing. you are more than capable of getting it done, just remember that it’s so.

i hope this helps.

post scriptum: i’ve just decided that it’s okay for me to put unfolded washing away in the drawers because it beats leaving it in a pile. better never stops!

baby blood transfusion case

so that clever judge has just ruled that baby X is to be placed under the guardianship of two medical supervisors until the necessary heart surgery can be completed; if poor little bubs needs blood transfusions s/he’ll get ’em, regardless of whether or not the donors are vaccinated. thank god for a (sometimes) sane and rational system! all those protesting surely would not have been if they realised what is at stake here. if those parents are allowed to choose what blood their baby gets, what is to stop the next person from insisting that they don’t want their infant to get any Maori blood? or Muslim? or a Sagittarius for god’s sake? anybody whose name starts with a J? once you permit the madness to begin you cannot stop it. what about all those other vaccinations I remember having as a child? nobody is complaining/protesting about those. don’t need  much excuse, do they? crazy nuts.