we are completely fucked as a country

some time ago, i stated my opinion that we would be in real danger of going backwards in our international standing if Jacinda Ardern no longer ruled our country. back then, i could never have believed we would sink as low as we have in my own estimation.
once upon a time, our leader’s image graced the fucking Burj Kalifa, like a vision of the Virgin Mary in a cloud or taco or something. we are now represented by three nasty, racist, small-minded, bigoted sexist cunts. my extremity of language here i excuse by my deep and profound disappointment in my country,
i no longer believe we can set an example on the world stage and i’m no longer proud to be a kiwi.
New Zealand: you deserve what you have coming.
i hope to never feel this bitter again.

how do you know if you’re a bigot?

bigotry is a blight upon society. along with religiosity, it’s the most damaging part of a warped human nature. we need to find these people and try to educate them. so here’s a quick test.

1. are you so obsessed with what’s going on in other people’s bedrooms that you take the time and effort to oppose gay marriage?

2. do you approve of our government spending $1.2 billion per annum to keep those dangerous brown people locked away from the rest of us in hell-hole prisons?

3. do you believe that when drugs are used with the laws permission (i.e. alcohol) it’s A-OK, but without (i.e. marijuana) a person must be punished? can you give an example of this policy ever working well on planet Earth?

i hope you get the result you secretly know you deserve.