how to get yourself motivated

for an ADHD person, thinking can be your worst enemy. i give the following advice, for free:

don’t sit around and wait for motivation, it isn’t coming. just get up and start.

don’t think about what you’re going to do, or what order things will be done in, or write lists so you don’t forget (you know you’ve never remembered to check your list, besides, how could you? you’ve lost your notebook and let’s not get started on the disappearing pens).  just do something.

you actually can finish the job. your mind strays everywhere but your body doesn’t have to. if you can’t fix your focus, fix yourself physically; for instance, kneel on a stool to do the dishes. sit on the floor to fold washing. you are more than capable of getting it done, just remember that it’s so.

i hope this helps.

post scriptum: i’ve just decided that it’s okay for me to put unfolded washing away in the drawers because it beats leaving it in a pile. better never stops!

baby blood transfusion case

so that clever judge has just ruled that baby X is to be placed under the guardianship of two medical supervisors until the necessary heart surgery can be completed; if poor little bubs needs blood transfusions s/he’ll get ’em, regardless of whether or not the donors are vaccinated. thank god for a (sometimes) sane and rational system! all those protesting surely would not have been if they realised what is at stake here. if those parents are allowed to choose what blood their baby gets, what is to stop the next person from insisting that they don’t want their infant to get any Maori blood? or Muslim? or a Sagittarius for god’s sake? anybody whose name starts with a J? once you permit the madness to begin you cannot stop it. what about all those other vaccinations I remember having as a child? nobody is complaining/protesting about those. don’t need  much excuse, do they? crazy nuts.

nicola willis’s boss is stupid and evil


this really says it all. and yet, i have just one or two more things to say.


more shameless than a naked penis first thing in the morning.

he sat on the A.M. show and had the sheer colossal nerve to preach about how great it would be to change the tax system so that everyday kiwis can earn an extra dollar, while the upper echelons get an extra ten.

ONE dollar for us, TEN dollars for them. unbelievable. disgusting. no wonder he’s always getting nicola willis to push this garbage. perhaps he has just a little shame somewhere in that sea of monstrous bullshit.

this man is beyond stupid and evil. he needs to go away.

N.B. by “them” and “us” i mean entitled assholes and everyone else.

his majesty’s loyal opposition

the National party seem to have forgotten a few of the words out of their job title. they are surely “his majesty’s loyal opposition”. this in itself has positive connotations. to me, it means that their job is to provide checks and balances for the current government, to point out things that they may have missed, present issues from a different angle and agree when their oppos are doing a good job. all the blues do is oppose and criticise every decision the government makes, simply because it was their idea. childish and pathetic. unhelpful too. but how else can you grab power for yourselves and abuse a weary, battered population? let’s be honest: the National party only want to make life better for rich people. end of chat.

nicola willis is stupid and evil

nicola willis just will not stop harping on about tax-cuts! the bloody woman is a one trick pony, a one shot pistol, a one hit pipe, a record that’s stuck on a really shitty song!

every time i see her it seems like she’s talking about how tax cuts are the only thing that matter on god’s green earth. they are so very important you see because she’s just so desperate for hard-working new zealanders to enjoy more of their hard-earned cash! it is all about the people’s welfare, after-all of-course and you better believe it! she truly cares about us all!

okay nicola, i’ll bite. if you really want the average kiwi to have more money wouldn’t it be quicker and easier to just pay them more by raising low-end wages across the board at the expense of the higher earners? or perhaps continue to tax more heavily at the higher income levels so more money is available for the welfare of our communities? how about a wealth tax? capital gains tax? hello? anything to say about those, nic?

it was so funny when nicola said that the abortion issue would be a sticking point for her when it came to her loyalty to the national party. my god, how dearly i would love to see that put to the test. i’ll bet there’s not a single red item in the bloody woman’s house.

nicola willis, you are stupid and you are evil. just go away.

“when you label me, you negate me.”

we’re all shocked and appalled at the sudden explosion of very serious violent burglaries – in the form of ram-raids or smash’n’grab attacks – being committed by the children of new zealand. it’s a sad and awfully fascinating phenomenon; why now? and for god’s sake, how?? they are children. this is horrible.

and yet what i find more horrible is the way so many people (primarily blues and right-wing nuts) are treating this issue. they talk constantly about how it’s a CRIME problem; horribble dangerous CRIMES being committed by terribly dangerous CRIMINALS that make us all unsafe, from which the innocent must be protected, and a heavily punitive response the only correct one.

oh come now. when children are committing crimes, that is a parenting problem.

now i don’t know this for sure, but something tells me that these kids don’t come from the happiest homes. for many of them, their lives are probably punishment enough. what usually helps problems like this? perhaps pay their parents higher wages, even if it’s at the expense of the boss’s/ceo’s paycheck. people tend to be happier when they have enough food and stay warm at night. perhaps make sure their health, dental and psychological needs are adequately met.  perhaps engage people more in community groups with funding provided by those who have more than they need. so much could be done, by so few, and for so little… just organisation and a correct attitude.

it takes a village to raise a child. well, our kids are doing ram-raids. i guess we got some pretty shitty villages.

we do this a lot in our society. for instance, drugs are considered a criminal issue instead of a health one; and so we put drug users in jail instead of hospital, considering them to be criminals, not patients. we label them, and thus negate them. fifty percent of our prison population has dyslexia, and twenty five percent has ADHD. that is not a crime problem, it’s an education problem. but we call the learning impaired criminals; we label them and thus negate them. people with ADHD are twenty times more likely to end up in a jail cell. i’ve been in one myself.

it doesn’t pay to be diverse, does it?

david seymour’s genius plan

so david seymour thinks it would be a good idea to tax the gangs, does he? what a very interesting, thought provoking concept that is. here’s another one: why does not the government declare drugs legal, start manufacturing/supplying  immediately and take the gangs entire industry away? somehow, i just can’t imagine those guys being quite so intimidating without the expensive bikes and leathers… likewise imagine what it would do to their recruitment drive! who the hell would join a gang if they had to fund-raise with sausage sizzles instead of running a tinny house?

of course, once the gangs disband due to lack of funds/interest we will have to re-integrate these lost people back into society. i’ll have much more to say on this subject in future.

an open letter to chloe swarbrick

dear chloe

what is it like to be the voice of reason in a tempestuous sea of insanity?

my family could be the poster group for adhd. we are six; four daughters and two parents all with adhd, all diagnosed later in life, at ages 54, 44, 27, 25, 21 and 14. you can imagine our homes growing up. we lived on the same street as our school but were always late, could never find our hairbrushes, always had grubby clothes… the list goes on ad infinitum. none but our father has ever found a path; how did you do it? we are proud of you.

there’s a grief and sometimes a bitterness about the situations of those of us who have not achieved what you have. me, i’m not really anything. i do often wonder what life might have been like. could i have won the itm supersprint? don’t know, i never learnt how to drive a car. an olympic medalist? never done any sports, nor can i swim. an au pair in gay paree? i never finished learning to speak french. a winner of the melbourne cup? never been on a horse. a university professor in classics? i forgot all my latin after my master’s degree. yet another list goes on…

how does one go forward successfully when they can’t go back and fix it all? one simply does, because it beats the alternative. but just getting by isn’t good enough: the neurodiverse deserve equal quality of life. how do we get there? make it your career.