baby blood transfusion case

so that clever judge has just ruled that baby X is to be placed under the guardianship of two medical supervisors until the necessary heart surgery can be completed; if poor little bubs needs blood transfusions s/he’ll get ’em, regardless of whether or not the donors are vaccinated. thank god for a (sometimes) sane and rational system! all those protesting surely would not have been if they realised what is at stake here. if those parents are allowed to choose what blood their baby gets, what is to stop the next person from insisting that they don’t want their infant to get any Maori blood? or Muslim? or a Sagittarius for god’s sake? anybody whose name starts with a J? once you permit the madness to begin you cannot stop it. what about all those other vaccinations I remember having as a child? nobody is complaining/protesting about those. don’t need  much excuse, do they? crazy nuts.