Prince Harry is a spoilt little shit.

so i was watching the a.m. show this morning when i saw the following rolling headline:

Prince Harry claims that brother William yelled at him over the Palace split

YELLING he says. oh, poor dear royal highness Henry! anything but yelling! how could he have survived such a thing? what a zero! oops, i meant hero. stupid autocorrect..

how many of us can claim that there’s never been any yelling in our families? i’d say that it’s fairly normal actually. not always the healthiest or best thing to happen but it’s most certainly human, and comprehensible. what i cannot understand is why somebody born to a position of such incredible wealth and privilege doesn’t take what they’ve got and make the best of it like the rest of us do. it’s all about positivity but all Henry and his wife do is complain.

and really, what is this nonsense about “quitting” the royal family? allow me to stress the word family. Henry is a prince because his father is the king. He has royal blood; he’s the great-great-great-great-grandson of queen Victoria. blood makes him royal, not choice.

some families are familial, but others are just groups of genetic relations