nicola willis’s boss is stupid and evil


this really says it all. and yet, i have just one or two more things to say.


more shameless than a naked penis first thing in the morning.

he sat on the A.M. show and had the sheer colossal nerve to preach about how great it would be to change the tax system so that everyday kiwis can earn an extra dollar, while the upper echelons get an extra ten.

ONE dollar for us, TEN dollars for them. unbelievable. disgusting. no wonder he’s always getting nicola willis to push this garbage. perhaps he has just a little shame somewhere in that sea of monstrous bullshit.

this man is beyond stupid and evil. he needs to go away.

N.B. by “them” and “us” i mean entitled assholes and everyone else.

nicola willis is stupid and evil

nicola willis just will not stop harping on about tax-cuts! the bloody woman is a one trick pony, a one shot pistol, a one hit pipe, a record that’s stuck on a really shitty song!

every time i see her it seems like she’s talking about how tax cuts are the only thing that matter on god’s green earth. they are so very important you see because she’s just so desperate for hard-working new zealanders to enjoy more of their hard-earned cash! it is all about the people’s welfare, after-all of-course and you better believe it! she truly cares about us all!

okay nicola, i’ll bite. if you really want the average kiwi to have more money wouldn’t it be quicker and easier to just pay them more by raising low-end wages across the board at the expense of the higher earners? or perhaps continue to tax more heavily at the higher income levels so more money is available for the welfare of our communities? how about a wealth tax? capital gains tax? hello? anything to say about those, nic?

it was so funny when nicola said that the abortion issue would be a sticking point for her when it came to her loyalty to the national party. my god, how dearly i would love to see that put to the test. i’ll bet there’s not a single red item in the bloody woman’s house.

nicola willis, you are stupid and you are evil. just go away.